Monday, October 7, 2013

Native American Children’s Books

Books are always a great idea for a gift for a child. Selecting Native American children’s books is a way to encourage an interest in history along with acceptance of different cultures in the world around us. Children are often fascinated to learn about the First Peoples who lived on the North American continent before the European explorers and settlers arrived and most grade levels in the America’s have at least one unit of study that covers the history and culture of Native Americans.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wiccan Calendar 2010

As a witch you need a planner like everybody else: to keep track of appointments. But you also need a calendar to keep track of something most people ignore: the phases of the moon, the movement of the sun in the sky, conjunctions, mercury going retrograde... etc.
You need all that to keep up with the Wiccan holidays and ceremonies. Whether it's Samhain or Beltane, Litha or Mabon - their dates move with the moon, not the sun, so they're hard to keep track of.
Thankfully Llewellyn creates calendars and planners just for you! I've gathered the most popular ones on this page.

The Cauldron of Ceridwen by C. ap Arthur - a pagan story

SIR DAVID PROSSER was in his study at Parcyrun.  The lamp, green-shaded, stood on his desk to the left of the fireplace; its light fell on a litter of manuscripts there, some in his own or his secretary's handwriting, some ancient.  It left the room, with its book-lined walls, for the most part, to the half obscurity and tremulous shadows of the fire-light.       Sir David had turned from his work, and sat in a low, deep-seated chair before the fire:  his outward vision occupied with the flame-flicker, but giving no news of it, nor of any externals, to his mind.  Which, indeed, had a matter more insistent to brood over:  surprise, acquiescence, protest, indifference, rebellion against fate - mostly, perhaps, a very ungracious acquiescence.  - So it might come at any time . . .

Occultism Versus the Occult Arts Article by H. P. Blavatsky

(a) There are more well-educated and thoughtful men who believe in the existence of Occultism and Magic (the two differing vastly) than the modern materialist dreams of; and--
(b) That most of the believers (comprising many theosophists) have no definite idea of the nature of Occultism and confuse it with the Occult sciences in general, the "Black art" included.

Witches, Wicca and Pagan calendars, date books, day planners and agenda books

2010-2011 Paganism, wicca and witches calendar books

I've selected some unique calendars for everyday use. Some are great mainly to make a note about your plans. Others have information about the Wiccan moon cycle, spells and legends. Learn about the God, the Goddess - and admire the beautiful artwork.

Gothic Temptations Headquarters

Gothic Temptations - Where the darker side of Squidoo meets up!

Gothic Temptations is the meeting place for the darker lenses that Squidoo has to offer. I'd like to see your Vampire lenses, Horror movie lenses, Gothic music lenses, any lenses that are Gothic or Medieval in nature, Horror author lenses, your favorite frightening books, fantasy artists, and all of your darkly strange and haunted lenses.
Lensmasters: If you have a lens that deals with anything that falls within a shadow of being Gothic, Vampiric, a bit frightening, or maybe just a bit blackened around the edges we'd love to see it! Add the link in the guestbook at the bottom of the page.

Witches Sayings and Pagan Abbreviations

Wicca and Paganism for Beginners - every day sayings

Getting to know the Wicca world? This lens helps you understand what other witches are saying. In the process you will understand how wicca rituals are built up a bit better as well.